Project: Coydir

Coydir is a desktop application used by Human Resource Executives to streamline processes in managing their staffing. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

Summary of Contributions

Code Contributed

Enhancements Implemented

  • New Features
    • Implemented view feature
      • Created a ViewCommand class to handle the logic, ViewCommandParser class to handle the parsing of the user input, PersonInfo.fxml to organize the information to be presented, and PersonInfo class to adjust the necessary settings of the corresponding fxml file.
      • Use Case: User can view the more detailed information of an employee on the right panel.
      • Why: If we include all the information of an employee on the left list panel, the information will be too cluttered, which will result in a bad user experience.
    • Implemented view-department feature
      • Created a ViewDepartmentCommand class to handle the logic, ViewDepartmentCommandParser class to handle the parsing of the user input, DepartmentInfo.fxml to organize the information to be presented, and DepartmentInfo class to adjust the necessary settings of the corresponding fxml file.
      • Use Case: User can view a summary of a department, which contains the total number of employee in that department, how many employees are currently available, how many employees are currently on leave, and the performance rating of each employee.
      • Why: This will give HR a high level overview of the overall performance of a particular department, which can assist in making decisions such as department restructuring and employee promoting.
    • Implemented light and dark theme
      • Created a LightTheme.css file that contains the css information for light theme. Made adjustment to the MainWindow class so that the program can properly capture users’ mouse click and change the theme accordingly.
      • Use Case: User can switch to a theme of their preference.
      • Why: Improve users’ experiences.
    • Implemented a right panel
      • Created a right panel to display information from view and view-department command. Update the necessary parsers to send a signal to MainWindow class whenever there is an update to the information displayed. The right panel will then update to display the latest information.
      • Why: To ensure that all the information displayed is up-to-date. So users don’t need to manually update, which brings about more convenience to the users.
    • Enhanced GUI settings
      • Make changes to GUI settings. Specifically:
        • Change the position of the ResultDisplay and CommandBox.
        • Change the minimum width and height of the program so that the content won’t be blocked when users try to resize the window.
        • Slightly increase the height of the ResultDisplay to contains more result, hence less scrolling required.
      • Why: Enhance user experience
  • Existing Features
    • Enhanced the PersonListCard class
      • Remove unnecessary information that were previously displayed on each of the PersonListCard.
      • Why: This enhances the user experience by removing additional unimportant information.
  • Contributions to the UG
    • Added documentation for following parts:
      • view command.
      • list command.
      • view-department command.
  • Contributions to the DG
    • Added implementation details for:
      • view command.
      • view-department command.
  • Reviewing Contributions